Morning Rituals: Founder & Health Coach, Trish Devereux
Laying the foundations for a life lived in High Health ~ we connected with Trish when her online store, High Health Club, became one of LAND's first Australian Retailers. Instantly bonding over our passion for ritual, health & balance (cue, discussions on our indulgence in a Friday cocktail and some fries), we wanted to get to know the daily routines that shape her approach to a life well lived. A business woman & mother, Trish talks to us about her day, prioritising self & rituals while travelling and, of course, her non-negotiable morning rituals...
Tell us, where are you from & what does your everyday look like?
I’m a kiwi, living by the beach in Bayside in Melbourne.
I’ve recently transitioned into my business full time from home and I’m still finding my routine, however, it usually includes a little morning ritual, school drop off, movement of some sort, walking the dog and depending on the day, admin, health coaching or breathwork/meditation sessions. Family dinner is important in our house, an opportunity to reconnect at the end of the day and then a little landing practice of breathwork and meditation to close out the day and wind down before sleep.
On Friday’s I work from Work Club Global in Melbourne, a shared office space and lead lunchtime breathwork sessions for the team. A welcomed day in lipstick and out of activewear, that usually ends with a cheeky vino at Club Valhalla.
Tell us more about HHC and why you wanted to bring it to life?
In its simplest form, High Health Club is an offering of support and an invitation for a lifestyle change. I wanted to create a space to come in times of need and leave feeling better than before.
Our Wellness Club offers 1:1 Coaching and Breathwork/Meditation, in addition to a highly curated Wellness Store, offering the most effective, enjoyable and sustainable brands in the market today. Each offering centred around our simple fundamentals, eat, drink, move, breathe, sleep.
I was disappointed in the lack of inclusivity in the wellness world, I found it a little unapproachable, driven by unattainable standards and often judgemental of the modern day lifestyle and wanted to create a space that was more accepting, had room for fun and set out to inspire rather than confuse.
How do you manage and balance business, life & health?
This is a work in progress for me as my natural tendency has always been to work and get it done, I launched High Health Club whilst also working full time and studying, I’ve always had the capacity to hold a lot, however I’ve made a conscious choice to put life and health first and if this means my business grows at a slower pace, I’m trying to be ok with that.
I’m really mindful of living our fundamentals, eat, drink, move, breathe, sleep using them as a touchstone across each day. For me this looks like daily exercise (whether that’s running, yoga, The Class or a walk on the beach), I add as many greens as I can to my meals and prioritise sleep. I find that adding in breathwork and meditation helps me stay grounded and brings me back in check. I know this sounds a lot, but really it could be as little as 10mins of breathwork across the day and a 20min walk, it all has an impact.
What are your non-negotiable morning rituals?
As I answer this, I’m travelling, which has really made me think about just what my non-negotiables are.
I usually wake early, grab the glass of water (with chlorophyll or Land lemon water), that I have left beside my bed from the night before to make it easier to rehydrate when I wake and head to the bathroom, as first I use my tongue cleaner/scraper and clear out all of the toxins that have come to the surface overnight.
Then I drink my water and make coffee, (I know, I know), I make it with coconut butter and One Eleven’s Bliss Powder to help balance the effects of the caffeine on an empty stomach and my morning coffee is actually, my favourite daily ritual.
Next I light some palo santo, do some breathwork/meditation, write my gratitudes and pull a card from my Inner Compass deck, this can take 10mins or an hour, depending on the day.
Some mornings the breathwork/meditation are challenging whilst travelling, so they come later.

You’re heading for a week away, let’s say, somewhere tropical. What’s in your suitcase?
Lip Balm, bathers, a slip dress, a great pair of sandals, my dry body brush and olive oil for glowing skin and hair, my aeropress for my morning coffee, a few great books and everything I need to support my gut and my liver. Health is my number 1 on holiday as I want to indulge and thrive all at the same time.
How do you prioritise your rituals while travelling?
As I write this, I am in New Zealand navigating a long working holiday and my rituals and non-negotiables are quite literally the glue that is holding it all together. Over the years, I’ve found easy ways to add a little extra support, whilst not being too fussy or time consuming.
As above, I try and touch on our fundamentals throughout the day, move my body, eat well, drink water (I absolutely use every glass of water as an opportunity to add extra nutrition, lemon water, gut powders, liver or chlorophyll drops, as to me it’s all about optimising what I’m already doing), deep breathe and prioritising sleep.
Whilst I LOVE to relax and indulge over the holidays, it always impacts my energy if I overdo it, which I don’t love, so I really do try and keep it fairly balanced and on the days I don’t succeed, I give myself the grace to try again tomorrow.

And finally, how do you use and enjoy your LAND Essentials Lemon Juice Powder?
My absolute favourite way so far is to make a big bottle of land with heaping teaspoons of powder, add ice and sip all day long. It has kept me cool all summer long and adds a little extra nourishment to my drink bottle, my skin has never looked so good.
Explore the HIGH HEALTH CLUB offering here.